Leadership Big Bend Graduation Requirements

Attendance at all monthly sessions for a full day
  • Absence from part or all of more than two sessions for any reason prohibits graduation
  • Absences may be made up the following year for $25.00, and participant may graduate with class

    Attendance at two meetings of elected officials (see list of meetingsleft hand menu), e.g., school board, commissioners court, city council, hospital board

    • You must attend meeting of different boards; you may not attend 2 city council meetings, for example
    • Report of the meeting must be turned in to coordinator on the form provided in your notebook before the May meeting

    Reading of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by Patrick Lencioni

    • LBB has copies to check out
    • The book will be discussed in the November meeting
    • Return to program coordinator of all books by May class meeting

    Arriving on time. Meetings will start promptly at the time on the agenda

    Checking of e-mail one week before each session for updates about that month’s meeting

    Choosing a class project (see list of past projects—left hand menu) and implementing it before May 31